Week 2 \ Math and Art \ Max Ma I was very interested in architecture back in high school, to me, architecture was the fusion of art and mathematics. It was about proportion, relation, function, and aesthetics. Although I was aware of the importance of perspective, I did not acknowledge the origin of it until now. In the lecture, we went over the origin of zero followed by linear perspective.To mention a few examples of math's influence on art and science, Brunelleschi's development of vanishing point. He was known for developing a technique for linear perspective in art. Leonardo Da Vinci and perspective. He stated that "perspective is a rational demonstration by which experience confirms that the image of all things are tramsmitted to the eye by pyramidal lines." He also distinguished artificial perspective and natural perspective. The Golden Ratio of 1 to 1.618 which was applied to the design of the Parthenon and Mona Lisa. These are contributors of perspective,a...
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